If you searched for "drug alcohol rehab business plan", you are probably either looking to launch a drug and alchol rehab or expand your business to grow your existing drug and alcohol rehab by expanding your existing facility or adding new facilities. If you are looking to expand into additional facilities. A drug and alcohol rehab business provides counseling services on an out-patient and/or in-patient basis. Over the past 10 years, the luxury drug and alcohol rehab business is a model that has evolved to treat wealthier drug and alchol rehab customers (e.g. Malibu mansions for entertainment people). If you are looking to start a drug and alcohol rehab business, you might want to hire professionals with business planning and financial planning expertise. Capital West Advisors was founded in 2006 and has developed drug & alcohol rehab business plans. The following are a few questions to consider when starting a drug and alcohol rehab business plan:
  • Will you offer just in-patient services, just out-patient? Both?
  • What will be the full spectrum of services that the business will offer patients?
  • Where will the drug and alcohol rehab clinic be located?
  • What is the full range of drug & alcohol (and non-drug & alcohol) diseases and conditions will the business offer? What will be the pricing strategy?
Capital West Advisors are leading experts in the industry and can develop a high quality and detailed business plan and financial plan for you. Contact us today at 888-300-3090 for more information and a free consultation.

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