If you are interested in finding investors for your business, you might be interested in Capital West Advisors' investor identification services. If you are seeking $50,000 to $1,000,000 is commonly SBA bank lending; the SBA gurantees 75% to 85% of loans granted by SBA-partnered banks and institutions. Angel investors and family funds are common sources of investment capital for start-ups and early stage companies seeking $1 million to $5 million and venture capital firms are most commonly appropriate for investment of $2 million and up; though, there are a few dozen venture capital firms that focus on investments less than $2 million and a portion of those will invest less than $1 million. Beyond institutional investments are ‘friends and family’, which can often be the way to go for a reasonably sized investment. Do you need a comprehensive capital introduction campaign whereby Capital West Advisors will identify every appropriate VC firm and Angel network in the U.S., submit it to each one, and follow-up extremely extensively or need a high quality business plan that is suitable for investors? If so, contact us at (888) 300-3090 for a free consultation. Capital West Advisors is one of the most experienced business planning firm and can provide investor identifications services if you are interested in finding investors for your business. Call us at (888) 300-3090.

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