Subway requests that a Subway business plan includes the following:
  • A description of the store's proposed location
  • Detailed 3 year pro-forma financial statements
  • Management biographies
  • A comprehensive marketing plan
  • Demographic information and figures of people within the city that the business will operate and a focus on the target consumer profile
These are just a few of the business plan requirements that Subway corporate insists upon. Subway also reviews each business plan stringently, and often comes back with suggestions and required updates before allowing an entrepreneur to proceed. If you want more information about a business plan, call Capital West Advisors. Capital West Advisors is one of the most experienced business planning firms in the U.S. and develops world-class business plans. Capital West Advisors is very experienced with developing business plans for prospective franchisees including sub shops. Capital West Advisors has subscriptions to multiple market research databases. CWA has experience across a wide array of industries. For more information about our specific services and the business plan we can provide you, give us a call today at 888-300-3090.

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