If you searched for "Coffee Bean business plan", "Coffee Bean business plan writing", or "Coffee Bean business plans", you are probably interested in a business plan to open your own Coffee Bean store. A business plan has a comprehensive description of all products/services, along with operational, financial, and growth strategies. The financial plan should typically be 5-years and include at least monthly detail in year 1 and quarterly detail in years 2-5. A Managing Director and Associate co-develop the business plan narrative; a 2nd Managing Director develops the pro-forma financial plan.

The Coffee Bean & Tea Leaf is an American coffee chain founded in 1963. It is owned and operated by International Coffee & Tea, LLC, which has its corporate headquarters in Los Angeles, California. As of 2017, the chain has over 1,000 self-owned and franchised stores in the United States and 31 other countries.

A Coffee Bean business plan should include:

  • Products/Services
  • Growth Strategy
  • Company Description
  • Marketing Plan
  • Management Biographies

CWA has a significant amount of experience developing franchise business plans in the recent past. For a free consultation contact CWA at (888) 300-3090.

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